Saturday 3 March 2012


 When three boys gain the power of telekinesis they decide to play about with it as much as they can.  They play harmless pranks on people in car parks and supermarkets but slowly one of the guys, Andrew, becomes mad with power and ends up hurting people. I think it was taken a bit too far when he completely loses it and smashes up the whole city, but the ending had a nice, sentimental feel to it, even though it seemed a bit cliché. 
The character of Andrew is frustrating. These powers offer him an escape out of his loneliness but he seems intent of refusing to see this. His self-pity trips can be a little exhausting and the result of one of his tantrums makes it easier to dislike him.
The best thing about the film was how the characters didn't feel the need to become superheroes just because they gained super powers. I think this gave the film a realistic perspective on the supernatural and gives you reason to overlook the over-the-top ending and instead appreciate the comedy and representations of friendship.

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